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Please use the links below to download slides and handouts from past conferences.

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Most slides and handouts are PDF [.pdf] format - download Acrobat Reader. Some handouts are in Word [.doc] format - download Word Reader. Some slides are in Powerpoint [.ppt] format - download Powerpoint Reader. These are the ones with the grey icon. You are free to distribute this material without charge, but please do not alter it in any way and please credit Mind and Soul. Please see our disclaimer for more information.

 Slides and Handouts 
BMHD The Church and the NHS (8.5MB) 19/10/2015,
BMHD Tablets and Talking Treatments (15.9MB) 19/10/2015,
BMHD The Church and the NHS (8.5MB) 19/10/2015,
BMHD Tablets and Talking Treatments (15.9MB) 19/10/2015,
BMHD Programme - PDF (1.2MB) 23/09/2015,
What To Do When You Can't Do Less (3.4MB) 26/05/2015, Will Van Der Hart's talk about stress management from the HTB Leadership Conference 2015
Befriending Your Creative Mind (2.9MB) 14/11/2014, PPT Presentation from the Worship Central Conference 2014 Seminar 'Befriending Your Creative Mind.' By Will Van der Hart
Emotions 14 - Worry Slides (1.5MB) 22/10/2014,
Emotions 14 - Perfection Slides (27.4MB) 22/10/2014,
Emotions 14 - Introduction Slides (2.3MB) 22/10/2014,
Emotions 14 - Guilt Slides (9.6MB) 22/10/2014,
Emotions Brochure (938.3KB) 27/07/2014,
Emotions Flier (526.8KB) 27/07/2014,
Guilt Trip (975.3KB) 27/01/2014, Will Van Der Hart Teaching on Guilt. All of the usual blurb applies..
Hope City Pastors (331.1KB) 27/01/2014, Re-imagining Pastoral Ministry
Changing Hearts 2014 (534.8KB) 06/11/2013,
Undoing Perfectionism- Restore Hope Conference (1.0MB) 28/10/2013, Here are the slides from the Restore Hope Womens Conference. Will Van Der Hart delivered this talk. All of the usual copyright blurb applies.
Healing and Wholeness Zone Seminar CRE Sandown Park May 2013 (99.1KB) 04/05/2013,
Changing Hearts Leaflet (804.9KB) 03/01/2013,
Living Life to the Full with God 30 mins (299.2KB) 10/11/2012, Prof Chris Williams gives and overview of cognitive behavioural therapy [CBT] in a Christian context and introduces the Living Life To The Full course
Faith and the NHS (1.3MB) 08/11/2012, Does your psychiatrist care about your soul? Will your faith be respected? The NHS is waking up to the importance spirituality plays in our mental health.
One Head, Two Cures? John Swinton (690.9KB) 08/11/2012, Exploring the relationship between Christian healing and contemporary psychiatric practice Prof Swinton offers some joined up thinking for the future of the relationship between Christianity and psychiatry
Planning for the unexpected - Marion Carson and Murdo MacDonald (317.9KB) 08/11/2012, Most churches are unprepared for pastoral crises when they happen. Marion and Murdo offer some practical advice for developing a Pastoral Care Policy
Headroom 2012 - Main Stage Slides (1.9MB) 08/11/2012,
21st Century Families – Friends you can choose - Pete English (1.1MB) 08/11/2012, We spend a lot of our lives at home, and blood is thicker than water. What happens to our mental health when families don’t work well, and how can we make things better.
How to work well with others - Viv Dickenson and Alastair Bennett (678.9KB) 08/11/2012, Many initiatives require council funding, health service contacts and local church volunteers. This session explains how to work together with integrity and effectiveness
21st Century Fixes – An Introduction to Addictions and Mental Health - Lucy Cockayne (1.1MB) 08/11/2012, Substance misuse is a hidden issue in the church. This open discussion session explores the problem and ways of enabling recovery
Free2BeHTBPDF (1.3MB) 02/11/2012,
Focus 2012 - Healing Together Slides - PPT (3.1MB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Healing Together Slides - PDF (3.0MB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Healing Together Handout - PDF (171.9KB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Stayin Alive Slides - PPT (1.7MB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Stayin Alive Slides - PDF (1.5MB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Stayin Alive Handout - PDF (97.8KB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Making Changes Slides - PPT (1.7MB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Making Changes Slides - PDF (1.8MB) 20/07/2012,
Focus 2012 - Making Changes Handout - PDF (364.1KB) 20/07/2012,
Headroom Advert A4 full page (861.1KB) 19/07/2012, PDF advert showing the main speakers and booking information - ideal for a larger magazine
Headroom Email and Print Friendly Brochure (1.2MB) 19/07/2012, 245kb PDF - ready to email to your friends and colleagues. contains full conference information and postal booking form.
Head Room advert 2xA5 (1.4MB) 01/07/2012, This PDF advert is print-ready for any paper publications you may be planning. It has a 'bleed' around the edge which your printer will need, but this can easily be trimmed off.
MAS-Edinburgh-Demoslide-16x9 (2.2MB) 28/03/2012, Powerpoint slide for showing in your church or organisation. 16x9 ratio = suitable for widescreen projectors
MAS-Edinburgh-Demoslide-4x3 (2.1MB) 28/03/2012, Powerpoint slide for showing in your church or organisation. 4x3 ratio = suitable for most standard projections
Soul Survivor 11 - Andre Radmall (2.7MB) 07/04/2011,
Soul Survivor 11 - Rob Waller (2.0MB) 05/04/2011,
Soul Survivor 11 - Rachel Welch (74.9KB) 05/04/2011,
Soul Survivor 11 - Pete English (769.6KB) 05/04/2011,
Soul Survivor 11 - Kate Middleton (12.2MB) 05/04/2011,
Soul Survivor 11 - Donna Wade (530.3KB) 05/04/2011,
Soul Survivor 11 - Arianna Walker (2.7MB) 05/04/2011,
Mindset Advert Poster A4 (1.5MB) 11/02/2011,
Telford 10 - The Challenge of Forgiveness - Greta Randle (1.7MB) 06/12/2010,
Telford 10 - How to Dementia Sufferers - leaflet (3.3MB) 04/12/2010,
Telford 10 - Losing Mind not Soul in Dementia (2.6MB) 04/12/2010,
Telford 10 - Christian Counselling - Steve Motyer (581.0KB) 04/12/2010,
Telford 10 - Spirituality and Mental Health Policy - Hari Sewell (1.1MB) 20/11/2010,
Telford 10 - 5 Things to do in a Pastoral Crisis – Will Van Der Hart (124.0KB) 18/11/2010,
Telford 10 - Integrating Faith and Mental Healthcare - Dawn Edge (304.5KB) 18/11/2010,
London 10 - Thorn in the Flesh - handout (35.0KB) 09/08/2010, by Pablo Martinez
Telford 2010 A4 Leaflet (306.0KB) 09/08/2010,
London 10 - Demons and Mental Illness - Handout (49.0KB) 24/04/2010,
London 08 - Conference Brochure (3.0MB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Spirituality and Mental Health -transcript (1.8MB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Five things to do in a pastoral crisis - slides (343.5KB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Understanding Mental Health Services - slides (963.0KB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Can Christians Take Antidepressants - slides (754.0KB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Can Christians Take Antidepressants - handout (697.7KB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Spirituality and Mental Health - Slides (2.1MB) 19/04/2010,
London 08 - Emotionally Healthy Church - slides (687.5KB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Spirituality and the NHS - Slides (2.5MB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - 5 Things to do in a Pastoral Crisis - slides (343.5KB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Older People and Mental Health - Slides (74.5KB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Can Christians Take Antidepressants - Slides (754.0KB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Spirituality and Mental Health - Slides (2.1MB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Emotionally Healthy Church - Slides (682.0KB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Spirituality and Mental Health - Transcript (75.0KB) 19/04/2010,
Bradford 09 - Conference Booking Leaflet (174.5KB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - Three Irrefutable Laws - Slides (2.0MB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - Three Irrefutable Laws - Transcript and Slides (6.1MB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - Capturing the Affections - slides (422.0KB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - If we claim to be without emotion - slides (12.3MB) 19/04/2010, >10MB
London 10 - Psychology and Prayer Ministry - Slides (730.5KB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - Prosperity Theology and Mental Health - Slides (556.5KB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - Prosperity Theology and Mental Health - Handout (40.5KB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - Growing Up Into Christ - Slides (3.2MB) 19/04/2010,
London 10 - A4 Poster (678.6KB) 31/12/2009,
durham myth 130910 (435.2KB) 29/12/2009,


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