Training for your Group
We get lots of requests to come and deliver training on the topic of mental health generally, but unfortunately this is no longer something we provide. Below are two well-curated resources that you are free to use, and see further down for some tips on what makes good training.
New Ground Scotland Leaders Training
These three linked videos cover a whole day for church staff, elders and small group leaders. The three topics are a general introduction, how to work with challenging behaviour/emotions in Sunday and small group settings and the launch of a new pastoral care policy. You can adapt the format to suit your own needs.
Christians Against Poverty Staff Training
We made this training video some time ago with CAP UK - Christians Against Poverty - which is watched by all new staff and volunteers. The video lasts for about an hour and has some places for you to pause it for group discussion. You should also download the explanatory notes and group discussion questions that accompany it.
A suggested format for your training
Good events come with good planning and preparation. See our 'putting on your own event' guide. In particular, do not do this as a 'one off' event but make sure it is part of your overall pastoral care approach.
Other training we recommend:
If you want to attend some training in person, we think the best providers are Mercy UK with their one-day MPower Training which runs around the UK on a regular basis. They also have a workbook which can be used as a course - called 'Keys to Freedom'.
Sanctuary Mental Health offer a course to run in small groups and a number of other formats over 8 sessions.
Mental Health First Aid is a good course for your church to run if they want to really get skilled up as it runs like any other firstaid course - over several evenings or days. See MHFA England, MHFA Scotland, MHFA Ireland and MHFAWales.
If you want to book a Mind and Soul Foundation Director for your event, see our speaker booking information. Please remember our focus of 'the mental and emotional health of leaders'. If you want to put on your own event, see our event/speaker resources.
We want to say a big "Thank You" to Christians Against Poverty and Kings Church Edinburgh who filmed these videos and have kindly allowed us (and you) to use them.