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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Grow Conference Resources 

Grow Conference

Dr Rob Waller spoke at this event at Kings Church Edinburgh in March 2024. The audience was senior team and small group leaders from New Frontiers churches across Scotland.
Three sessions covered as below. Slide set for the day available here [note: 12MB PDF file].

How We Got Where We Are

Session 1 of a one-day event on mental health in the local church. 

This keynote gives an overview of what mental health is, and how through history we have ended up with the services and issues we have today. It draws together mind and soul into a coherent model.

Managing Distress

Session 2 of a one-day event on mental health in the local church. 

This seminar looks at how to manage strong emotions or challenging behaviour in sunday service and small group settings. It helps you find the best way to enable everyone to be involved and benefit but at the same time give support where needed.

Pastoral Care followed by panel Q&A

Session 3 of a one-day event on mental health in the local church. 

This discussion looks at a church pastoral care policy being developed and then a panel discussion looks at submitted questions

Resources used with permission of Kings Church Edinburgh

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