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The Mind and Soul Foundation

Welcome to Mind & Soul

We believe in a God who loves us and cares about our emotional and mental health. We believe that healthy leadership is vital for the church to thrive, serve and transform.

Access our resources by clicking on the categories below.

Blog posts

Podcasts for Leaders
Two exciting new podcasts for leaders featuring some of the Mind and Soul team.
Ministry Associated Trauma
We're so pleased to be partnering with theologians from Oxford University on this new research project into Ministry Associated Trauma. Read on for more info...
What Happened Next?
It's easy to feel like it's all over now we're moving on from December. But raising a child isn't done in a month - and neither are the hope and promises of God ...

Recent articles

We have many articles on a wide range of topics to do with mental health and Christianity.
Standing By
Many Christian leaders feel marginalized or depleted at this time of year: They facilitate, stand by, and often feel overwhelmed in the doing.
Will Van Der Hart
God is with us...
The Mind and Soul Team
The Angelic Host of Hope
The angels are God's messengers of hope and comfort this Christmas for all who lead and love
Chi-Chi Obuaya
Wise (and secular?) men (and women?)
Who brings you material gifts and an international perspective this Christmas?
Divine Interruption
Will you be rushing to look out the tea-towels for this year's shepherds, or will you allow space for divine interruption?
Arianna Walker
Leading Through Tough Times
When times feel dark, how can we lead others and ourselves well?
Kate Middleton
Nurturing Mental Health in the Workplace
How can we create work cultures of safety
Chi-Chi Obuaya
Why menopause matters - even in the church
A look at the intersection between menopause, leadership, and mental health
Arianna Walker
When it's hard to let the 'possible' things go
How can we learn to discern what is merely possible from what is actually probable?
Will Van Der Hart
Dealing well with mental health difficulties in your team
Stress free line management is a fantasy, but managing a colleague who struggles with their mental health does not have to be stressful
Rob Waller

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