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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Book a Speaker

We are delighted that you are hosting an event around the mental health of Christian leaders. 

We love to offer what we can in terms of giving talks. However, it may be helpful to know that we are all in full time employment aside from MASF and have young families. This places serious constraints on our ability to travel and means that in the majority (but not all) of cases we will be unable to make an in-person appearance.

However, wherever possible can speak on Zoom or your chosen online platform, either live or via pre-recorded talks or interviews - just get in touch to discuss further! 

Please read our list of Speaker FAQs and things to consider before making a booking request, and then complete our Speaker Booking Form below.


Speaker Booking Form

Please complete the form below to enquire about a speaker. Please read the Speaker FAQ and explanatory notes BEFORE completing the form.

If we can't speak at your event, or your event is not aimed as leaders, we have prepared a number of resources to help you put on your own event. Please do consider this - it's not as hard as it might seem.

Your Event:


Your Organsation:


Director Requested:
- see our list of Directors


Number of Attendees:


Nature of Attendees:






Resources Required:


Type of Speaking:




Event Recording:


Book Promotion:
- see our list of books


Any Other Information:


Email Address:

Sign up for our newsletter

We would love to keep you posted with our news. To receive occasional newsletters via email, please sign up here.
Basic Details
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Email Address:

Please read our privacy policy to find out how we use this information. 

Planning your Visit