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What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a vital emotion, warning us of possible future risks or problems. It keeps us from making bad decisions or judgements - but it’s also the emotion most commonly linked with emotional and mental health problems. Anxiety can flare up very quickly but understanding it better is often the key to overcoming problems. Think of it as a like a smoke alarm. It is the system your brain uses to warn you that something significant may be about to happen. But sometimes it becomes too sensitive and is triggered too often.

You might experience:
- Physical symptoms.  This is your brain’s way of making sure it gets your attention.  Dramatic changes are triggered in your body, all to prepare you physically in case you need to act. These physical symptoms are your first warning that your anxiety system is about to go into overdrive.
- Brain symptoms:  These are designed to make sure that you focus your attention on anything around you that is likely to be a risk, and that you are able to think quickly and intensively in case you need to make any quick decisions.

What causes anxiety?

Anxiety is part of the system of healthy emotions that are central to the way the brain keeps track of the world around us. No one is totally anxiety-free, but can become problematic when it is triggered too often, or is too strong. Some people are more prone to anxiety in the first place: highly driven people, or those who struggle with issues such as self-confidence etc. Anxiety can also rise up very quickly in response to stress.

Sometimes anxiety can seem to come from nowhere - and in these situations understanding what is triggering it can be a key part of recovery. There may be specific triggers – as in phobias – or a general heightened sense of feeling anxious and weighed down by worrying. Many sufferers experience panic attacks: moments when the powerful physical symptoms triggered by anxiety (such as sweating, chest pain or dizziness) make them afraid something serious may be happening (a heart attack, for instance) or about to happen (perhaps fainting, or being sick). This sparks more anxiety, making the physical symptoms worse.

Can it be treated?

Anxiety disorders are best treated with a combination of approaches which address the different aspects of anxiety. The thought patterns, which respond very well to cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT): an approach which looks at how your thinking can influence and trigger emotions. The physical symptoms, which can be controlled and limited by relaxation techniques.

Reducing general stress levels is important, so approaches that help relax or de-stress can play an effective part in treating anxiety.

Medication can work well alongside other therapies, particularly reducing obsessional (round and round) thoughts, or helping people concentrate or function normally. Other treatments can assist to limit and control the physical symptoms of anxiety, especially in circumstances where these might be problematic, like exams or public speaking.


What about my faith?

Faith can be a big support for those struggling with anxiety, because it gives a bigger perspective and reminds us that God is in control. It encourages us to simplify our life and remember what really matters. Practices that form part of the faith-filled life can also be very helpful for learning to overcome anxiety. Times of prayer and meditation, and skills earned alongside approaches such as mindfulness can help calm nerves, focus the mind and limit panic or waves of anxiety.

Remember, however, that recovering from anxiety problems is not as simple as just being told ‘do not fear’. Those suffering will often require expert help as well as the support they get from their faith and church. There may be Bible passages that they find very hard. Often-quoted ‘do not worry’ scriptures, such as Matthew 6:25-27 or Philippians 4:6-7, can be distressing to people who have tried very hard to do those things, but found no relief for their anxiety. Sufferers must be encouraged not to be too hard on themselves. It’s good to find the ways in which their faith helps to calm their nerves, while not adding to their worry with scriptures they find hard to process when feeling so anxious.


1. First steps out of anxiety is a small, easy to read book which explains what anxiety is, how it affects you and how to get on the road to recovery. You can read a chapter free here.
2. Don’t know how to stop worrying? The Worry Book addresses how to deal with persistent worries - which often accompany anxiety problems.
3. For more on recovery from anxiety check out My Anxiety Recovery and This Super-Anxious Life
4. Are you a church leader - see this sermon on anxiety that you are free to use - transcript, audio

Kate Middleton, 26/11/2014

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