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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Emotions (London 2014)

A one day conference, focussing on four key emotional issues: perfection, stress, worry and guilt. In that order. We all want to be the best, especially good at Christian things - and this can make us stressed. We then worry about this, and feel guilty. Is this what Jesus intended?


--- Click links to play audio [mp3] and slides [pdf] - download mp3s on our Media Page or on our iTunes Podcast

MORNING SESSION - opening video

INTRO - Dr Rob Waller - audio, slides
An overview of the last ten years since Mind and Soul started, and an introduction to the day

PERFECTION - Revd Will van der Hart - audio, slides
As Christians we have an image of the ideal perfect person, lost in the Fall. Ever since, we have striven to regain and achieve perfection to prove ourselves to God, others and ourselves. What is the Biblical teaching on perfection and how does this relate to our understanding of Mental Health?

STRESS - replaced by 'Identity' below but pre-order Dr Kate Middleton's new book on stress

IDENTITY - Arianna Walker - audio [some gaps], video clip, website
Introducing Mercy Ministries UK who exist to provide opportunities for women to experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and life-transforming power.

AFTERNOON SESSION - opening video

INTERVIEW - Katharine Welby-Roberts with Will van der Hart - audio

WORRY - Jonathan Clark - audio, slides
Jesus told us not to worry yet worry is endemic even amongst Christians. Worry is often used to create a sense of certainty and control, but the illusion is only temporary and even more worries are generated. What are the factors behind worry? How should we deal with uncertainty? And where does trust and faith fit into the equation?

GUILT - Dr Rob Waller - audio, slides
Many people are paralysed with guilt. Guilt robs you of freedom, peace and joy. It can make you feel unacceptable or isolated. Jesus’ forgiveness is the ultimate remedy for guilt, but even for those who believe, guilty feelings can still present a lingering problem. This talk aims to differentiate between our true guilt, for which forgiveness is needed, and false guilt, for which a psychological approach will help.

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