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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Audio and Podcast

These recordings are available for your inspiration, teaching and encouragement. Most are around half an hour long and are from our conferences.

Conversations with a Christian Psychiatrist
Rob Waller / Dave Quak
From the sunburnt souls podcast - - Dave an Australian pastor with bipolar illness and Rob a Christian who is a psychiatrist.
Mental Health Event Session 1 - Managing Distress
Kings Church Edinburgh - Grow Conference
Session 2 of a one-day event on mental health in the local church. This seminar looks at how to manage strong emotions or challening behaviour in sunday service and small group settings. It helps you find the best way to enable everyone to be involved and benefit but at the same time give support where needed.
Mental Health Event Session 3 - Pastoral Care followed by panel Q&A
Kings Church Edinburgh - Grow Conference
Session 3 of a one-day event on mental health in the local church. This discussion looks at a church pastoral care policy being developed and then a panel discussion looks at submitted questions
Mental Health Event Session 1 - How We Got Where We Are
Kings Church Edinburgh - Grow Conference
Session 1 of a one-day event on mental health in the local church. This keynote gives an overview of what mental health is, and how through history we have ended up with the services and issues we have today. It draws together mind and soul into a coherent model.
Time To Grow - podcast epidose
Toso Haruna and Rob Waller
UCB has released a brand new podcast called on the topic of mental health, called Time To Grow. In the series, UCB Academy student Toso Haruna sits down with Christians working within the mental health sphere to discuss what it means to “be well”. In episode 5 with Dr Rob Waller, we discussed the shortfalls of our current conception of health, and what steps we can take to solve it. You can listen to the first 6 episodes of Time To Grow on the UCB Player app, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Covid on my mind - 8 February 2021.mp3
Kate Middleton
Audio of a Christians in Parliament online lunchtime event on Monday 8th February 2021 when Rachael Maskell MP chaired a panel discussion which reflected on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our mental wellbeing and provided practical tips on how to survive and thrive in this challenging season.
Schools and Teachers' Mental Health and Wellbeing.m4a
Kate Middleton
Kate talks to Andy Wolfe from 'Called, Connected Committed' about the current challenges for school leaders and ‘Headstrong’ - a new resource to support young people. See more CCC podcast episodes at
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Kate Middleton
Kate speaks to New Ground about staying healthy and mentally well
The Inner Life of the Leader
Will van der Hart
No leader is immune to worry, burn out, isolation or competition and these are some the things we discuss in this episode [part of a series] as Will shares very openly about his own journey, but also gives us as Christians leaders in whatever sector some very important things to reflect on. See the full set of episodes at
Wellbeing Journies
Kate Middleton
Kate speaks to Dave Smith from Hope Together who curates their 'Wellbeing Journey' podcast
Managing Stress during Covid-19
Kate Middleton
Kate does a live Q&A at Christ Church London
Emotional Health, Flexible Working and The Pressure of Success
Will Van Der Hart
Will speaks to a group of business men in London at 'The National Club'
Coping with loss
Will van der Hart
Will speaks at Christ Church London
Interview: Kintsugi Hope Groups
Dianne Regan
Interview from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
Interview: Soul Time App
Belle Quinlan
Interview from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
Interview: Sanctuary Mental Health
Daniel Whitehead
Interview from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
Interview: Think Twice
Rachael Newham
Interview from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
Towards A Theology Of Mental Health
Will Van Der Hart
Keynote from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
You Turn
Dr Kate Middleton
Keynote from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
Personality Disorder and Disordered Personalities in the Church
Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya
Keynote from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
I Can Change
Dr Rob Waller
Keynote from the Mind and Soul "Running On Empty" conference.
Responding to the rise in Youth Mental Distress
Dr Rob Waller
Is teenage and youth mental health getting worse? And are traditional health services best place to respond? Or do faith communities have a unique role? Recorded at the Korus Connect Conference in Melbourne in 2018
Dr Rob Waller
What is resilience and how can you grow it? Recorded at the Korus Connect Conference in Melbourne in 2018
Filling the Tank - Building Personal Resilience
Dr Rob Waller
How do people who care for others care for themselves? Complete a burnout questionnaire and make a personal resilience plan Recorded at the Korus Connect Conference in Melbourne in 2018
LC19 - Leader Self Care.mp3
Will, Rob and Kate
Our talk from the HTB Leadership Confernce 2019
The Power of Belonging talk
Rob Waller
Rob speaks about The Power of Beloning from his book to the staff and residents at Mercy UK
The Leadership File
Will van der Hart
Will speaks with Andy Peck about leadership, shame and belonging on Premier Christian Radio's Leadership File Podcast
Mind and Soul Foundation - Short Promo Video - 2019
The Mind and Soul Foundation
a short movie with sound, showcasing what we do and our main online resources
Q and A on Mental Health
Will van der Hart
Will and Jon Norman take questions - at Soul Church Norwich
Pump out the Shame
Will van der Hart
Will van der Hart speaks about the core affect of SHAME and how we can respond with the power of belonging - at Soul Church Norwich
Tough Questions on Mental Health
Will van der Hart
Recorded as part of an occasional series of Q&A events at Greyfriars Church in Reading.
Looking after the teenage brain
Kate M, Steve M-T, Will VDH
The teenage brain can sometimes seem like a mysterious thing. How can we help teenagers navigate the challenges of fluctuating emotions whilst investing in their general wellbeing? As well as engaging with this issue from a psychological and biblical perspective, this panel seminar will offer practical tips on how we can best look after the teenage brain, including the issues of screen time, social media and comparison culture.
How to run with the horses - managing stress in a frenetic world
Arianna Walker
Many of us are trying to keep up with the pace of our lives – striving to meet the external demands, whilst trying to manage our internal stress. Using real life stories and biblical examples, Arianna Walker will explore the key differences between pressure and stress, teaching participants how to find balance, set boundaries and embrace rest without slowing the pace.
Wisdom for Living - Finding Hope for Healing
Pete Hughes, Will van der Hart
How we can find healing for the whole person; emotionally, spiritually and physically? In this session Will Van Der Hart and Pete Hughes conversationally explore how we can find healing in all aspects of our lives within the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Come along for lots of humour, personal anecdotes, biblical wisdom and personal application.
Honesty over Silence
Patrick and Diane Regan
Anxiety and depression can sometimes be hard to talk about in church. This seminar will explore the topic without condemning, and help us to realise God hasn't left us in the darkness. It will offer practical tips to help us in those lonely moments, and will also explore issues from a carer’s perspective, giving practical pointers on how to stay resilient.
Superhuma - achieving the impossible without destroying yourself
Dr Kate Middleton
From the HTB Leadership Conference 2018
Five Steps to Seciruty Brings Success
Will van der Hart
From the HTB Leadership Conference 2018
The Power of Belonging
Will van der Hart
Will speaks about shame, belonging and emotional integrity for leaders
Mental Health for Managers
Dr Rob Waller
A seminar about how to lead, employ and line manage people with mental health difficulties.
Interview with Patrick and Diane Regan
Will van der Hart
Will interviews Patrick and Diane about their new mental health charity, Kintsugi Hope
Interview with Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya
Will van der Hart
We interview Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya, a Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist, about his work and faith
Mental Wellness
Dr Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton speaks about how the church can make a positive contribution to mental health
Hope beyond Hope (Audio)
Beth Redman
Beth Redman speaks about how to have hope, even beyond what seems possible, in the face of lifes challenges, also available as a video from our youtube page -
Mindfulness Strategies for Managing Pain
Will van der Hart
From the First National Mindfulness Day for Christians
Mindfulness and resilience: weathering the storms of childhood and adolescence
Kate Middleton
A talk from the First National Mindfulness Day for Christians
Compassionate Caring
Kate Middleton
The bible is clear that we are called to be caring people. But when - or why - is caring difficult and how do we stretch the way we care without hitting our own limits? What might the bible - and current research on the power of compassion - teach us about how to care better? Video also available from -
The Sermon on the Mount
Will van der Hart
Pete Hughes interviews Will Van Der Hart at KXC Church London on The Sermon on the Mount. Pete and will cover the issues of Perfectionism, Materialism, Perception, Belonging, Worry and Purpose. Having been friends for 15 years there is a special dynamic in this interview that allows both leaders the opportunity to be particularly vulnerable and real. If you want to hear Will at his best and really get a flavor for his theological perspectives on belonging and mental health this is a conversation worth liste
Moses - a Psychological Autopsy
Rob Waller
Moses struggled with shame and social anxiety. This affected his leadership. Learn how he made a key decision and took a long journey to find his sense of belonging - and his leadership as a result.
A Theology of Mental Health
Will van der Hart
A theology of mental health is one that integrates suffering and victory, not that suggests vioctory is only evident in the absence of suffering. The lives of some of the world most celebrated theologians, writers and carers exemplifies how God’s power is made perfect in human weakness
The Storm Inside: A mental health sunday
Rob Waller, Brian McStay
From Shore Community Church in Auckland, New Zealand, here is a question-and-answer format Mental Health Sunday. See for more information.
Church Question and Answer
Will van der Hart
St Albans Fulham hosted a Q&A on the topic of mental health and illness and how it is seen in the church
How to Pick up a Snake - AUDIO
Will van der Hart
Overcoming Shame and Finding Belonging. Shame affects us all in different ways but it can particularly distort our leadership. Shame causes us to try an hide in plain sight, developing a 'false' or 'projected' self whilst the real you stays in the shadows. Find out how shame is affecting you and how you can get free...
The Power of Listening
Will van der Hart
A talk on emotional health and listening - first given at the HTB leaders retreat
On Fire or Just Burning Out?
Dr Kate Middleton
Stress and burnout are major issues in our society today, but how do we balance the demands of our passion and our society to push the limits, with our human needs and limitations? What can the Bible teach us - and those we support - about burnout and how to truly meet our potential?
Tablets and Talking Treatments
Dr Rob Waller
Understand the basics about psychiatric medication and psychological therapies. What works for what and what a helpful Christian perspective is.
The Church and the NHS
Dr Rob Waller
How do you get the most from your local mental health services? What do they think of spirituality? This seminar will chart the sometimes rocky path from first symptom to helpful support. The Church needs the NHS, but the NHS also needs the local church.
Generation Distress
Dr Kate Middleton
Emotional and mental health problems in children and young people – how your church needs to respond. This seminar will help you to think about what you can do to make a difference. We will look at the severity of the problem, consider preventative steps, and how we might promote good emotional health. With frontline mental health services in crisis, how can you and your church help save minds and save lives?
Interview with Jonathan Clark
Jonathan Clark
Jonathan is the director of Premier Lifeline - - the national christian helpline who help 100000 people each year.
Interview with Alison Hogger
Alison Hogger
Alison trained and worked as a psychiatric nurse, before founding Keeping Health in Mind - - who hope to reduce stigma and to raise the profile of mental health by offering resources to the church and encouraging local churches to be promoters and protectors of good mental health so all can belong.
Called to Leadership
Will van der Hart
We know that God has created us all individually, and called many of us to different forms of leadership in the church. But what if some of those experiencing that calling are also struggling with mental or emotional health problems? How can we provide support? Are there ever times or situations where a mental health problem might preclude someone from ministry?
Pastoral Care
Jonathan Clark
What does it look like to lead and pastorally care for those with mental health needs? How can our responses honour those we seek to support? Exploring a model of good practice, we look at language that helps and positive approaches to prayer.
Panel: Experiences of Church and Mental Health
The closing panel from the launch of the Mental Health Access Pack - Phase 2
Your Mental Health
Will van der Hart
It’s all very well taking time to think about the emotional health of others, but what about our own emotional health? As leaders what should our understanding of emotional health be – and how should our appreciation of our own interact with the work we do to support those struggling? What should we be doing – particularly those of us who are leaders – to look after our emotional health?
Building a Church Where Everyone Belongs
Corin Pilling
‘A community comes about when people are no longer hiding from one another, no longer pretending or proving their value to another’ (Jean Vanier). Creating an open-hearted church is no easy task. Drawing from real life examples, we look at the small changes that can help us journey to building genuine, inclusive church communities.
Katharin Welby-Roberts: Interview
Things Unseen
Republished with permission from Things Unseen: Katherine Welby-Roberts speaks out about matters close to her own heart – first and foremost mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, which she knows well from many years of her own painful experience. In conversation with Alison Hilliard, Katharine shares her favourite Bible verses and reflects on how they show God as a God of the suffering and anxious.
What To Do When You Can't Do Less #LC15
Rev Will Van Der Hart
Hear Will's talk from the HTB Leadership Conference 2015 on stress management. Note that this talk is not about doing less but doing well when you are working under pressure and at capacity.
End Stigma in Churches
Mind and Soul
Let's have an end to stigma against mental health problems in the church. This short VIDEO describes the experiences (both good and bad) of many people with mental health problems. Could you show this in your church?
Christian Mindfulness
Shaun Lambert
Sometimes are moods and emotions can be inconsistent: high-spirited one moment and gloomy the next. They can get in the way of our relationship with God and how we go about our day. However, inspirational music and contemplative prayer can really have an effect on outlook. It's called Mindfulness; a technique which brings greater peace, self-awareness and calm.
Dementia and Faith
Things Unseen
First published at No fewer than 850,000 people in the UK are living with dementia. With the baby boomer generation getting older, the numbers of those receiving this devastating diagnosis are set to rise further. Yet even when short-term memory or the ability to operate gadgets are badly affected, the memory of what has been meaningful for the patient usually remains intact for a long time. This emotional memory includes the memory of faith. I
Interview in a local church
Rob Waller
An interview with Rob Waller and Susanne Beitan about mental illness and what the church can do about it. A church counselling service is described. Also, two very helpful testimonies from people who have personal experience of mental ilness in their families and themselves
Things Unseen - Depression and Faith
Things Unseen
One can have faith but not be immune to depression. Faith is no cure, not even a consolation. Yet ‘poor theology’ leads many to misunderstand, even condemn, the sufferer… and thereby only make the condition worse. First broadcast by Things Unseen -
How to Befriend your Creative Mind
Rev Will Van Der Hart
The Creative mind is a complex but wonderful thing. How can you be more creative and for longer? How do you manage the flip sides, sensitivity, low mood and distraction. What is the link between our brain and our creativity. What part does our faith play?
The church and mental health
Rob Waller
A talk given at a local church by Rob Waller, covering the main issues, and including a simple exposition of John 21. Slides also available.
Rob Waller
Many people are paralysed with guilt. Guilt robs you of freedom, peace and joy. It can make you feel unacceptable or isolated. Jesus’ forgiveness is the ultimate remedy for guilt, but even for those who believe, guilty feelings can still present a lingering problem. This talk aims to differentiate between our true guilt, for which forgiveness is needed, and false guilt, for which a psychological approach will help
Jonathan Clark
Jesus told us not to worry yet worry is endemic even amongst Christians. Worry is often used to create a sense of certainty and control, but the illusion is only temporary and even more worries are generated. What are the factors behind worry? How should we deal with uncertainty? And where does trust and faith fit into the equation?
Katharine Welby-Roberts
Katharine is interviewed by Will van der Hart about her work in reducing the stigma about mental health and future plans for more work with churches
Arianna Walker
Introducing Mercy Ministries UK who exist to provide opportunities for women to experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and life-transforming power
Will van der Hart
As Christians we have an image of the ideal perfect person, lost in the Fall. Ever since, we have striven to regain and achieve perfection to prove ourselves to God, others and ourselves. What is the Biblical teaching on perfection and how does this relate to our understanding of Mental Health?
Rob Waller
An overview of the last ten years since Mind and Soul started, and an introduction to the day
Rick Warren talks about his son's suicide
Rick Warren
[first released on Premier Christian Radio] Rick talks about how he knew that his son's illness would be talked about one day and how he balanced hope with compassion. He speaks of how he was most touched by the letters of condolence from those his son had led to know Jesus - later saying on Facebook: "In God's garden of grace, even broken trees bear fruit".
Reimagining Pastoral Ministry
Will Van Der Hart
Will teaches at Hope City Leaders Conference on Pastoral Ministry in the 21st Century
Undoing Perfectionism
Will Van Der Hart
Will speaks to Restore's women's conference on the power of perfectionism, what is wrong with it and how to overcome it.
The Guilt Trip
Will van der Hart
Will speaks on guilt - recorded at the HTB Free to Be Conference 2013 -
A Book of Sparks - Mindfulness study 1
Shaun Lambert
Shaun Lambert has recorded six podcasts based on his book. He is interviewed by Cathy Le Feuvre, and the producer is Gary Dell. The podcasts are a Wisewords production for Shaun Lambert.The music behind the readings is by Bill Marten. Wisewords productions can be contacted via In the recordings, he encourages Christians to engage with secular mindfulness, as mindfulness for health, as well as exploring the rich spiritual heritage of mindfulness within Christianity. These podcasts are
Woman To Woman: Depression and OCD
Will Van Der Hart
Will speaks Maria Toth on Premier Radio 'Woman to Woman' about depression and obsessional thinking. Responding to listeners questions and discussing common misconceptions about mental health and Christianity this is a broad ranging discussion.
Fear and Anxiety - sample sermon
Hannah Montgomery
Part of a series looking at things that hold believers 'Bound' - this sermon takes Jesus's emotions in the garden of gethsemane as a way to approach fear and anxiety - with honesty but also with hope. Preached by Hannah Montgomery, Central, Edinburgh
Youth Ministry and Mental Health
Rob Waller
Rob Waller talks about the key mental health issues involved in doing youth work in churches - anorexia, self harm, addiction - as well as the mental health of youth leaders themselves. From
The CLOTS Guide to Mental Health - VIDEO
Ian Smith
A tongue in cheek parody of what might happen when the well-intentioned but not well-thought-through try to 'fix' your church. Glib, simplistic and offensive answers to complex problems abound. Do not listen to without a sense of humour!!! [best to stream as it is 130MB to download]
Dont Worry Be Happy
Will Van Der Hart
Will's talk on worry from the HTB Free To Be Conference in London - see the video too at
21st Century Fixes – An Introduction to Addictions and Mental Health
Lucy Cockayne
Substance misuse is a hidden issue in the church. This open discussion session explores the problem and ways of enabling recovery
21st Century Families – Friends you can choose
Pete English
We spend a lot of our lives at home, and blood is thicker than water. What happens to our mental health when families don’t work well, and how can we make things better.
21st Century Wallets – Money and your Mood
Helen Johnson
Money cannot buy happiness but a lack of it can sure make you miserable. This seminar looks at how money and mood relate and what you can do about it.
21st Century Challenges
Rob Waller
What are the particular pressures we will face over the next ten years. A lively vision of the future.
Living Life To The Full – With God
Chris Williams
Prof Williams explains the basics of CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy and launches our new course - Living Life To The Full With God
How to work well with others
Viv Dickenson Alasdair Bennett
Many initiatives require council funding, health service contacts and local church volunteers. This session explains how to work together with integrity and effectiveness
One Head, Two Cures?
John Swinton
Exploring the relationship between Christian healing and contemporary psychiatric practice Prof Swinton offers some joined up thinking for the future of the relationship between Christianity and psychiatry
Living Life To The Full - With God
Dr Rob Waller
A short introduction to this new resource - online help for anxiety and depression using cognitive behavioural principles
Healing Together
Rob Waller
“To live is to love”. In our culture, you are often on your own: your faith [or lack of it], your ‘personal’ Saviour. But then God invented church. In a true community healing is a gift, responsibility is shared and journeys are as important as the destination. Learn how to heal, to grow, to love – and, in doing so, to live all the more.
Stayin' Alive
Rob Waller
“To change is to live..,” but what next? What does it mean to stay emotionally healthy? There are no gyms, no five-a-day and no Olympics on the horizon. So here are some tricks of the trade: have healthy habits, discover discipleship and learn to r-e-l-a-x.
Making Changes
Rob Waller
“To live is to change..,” or so goes many an inspirational quote. But we are notoriously bad at this. You will learn how humans can change and how they dig their heels in. We will cover the role of friends, faith and ferapists [sorry].
Fellowship of Healing
Christian Fellowship of Healing prayer secretary Kirsty Urquhart tells her story of love, acceptance and healing in a robust and long-lived community
Demons and Mental Health
Unbelievable (Premier)
First heard on Premier Christian Radio's show: Unbelievable. This Week on Unbelievable : Demons: Do they exist? John Tancock, Will Van Der Hart & Jonathan Clatworthy Listen to this featured programme! Three Christians of different theological persuasion discuss the existence of demons. John Tancock (JT) is involved in Charismatic Church leadership. He believes demons are real. As well as pursuing apologetics, he is involved in deliverance ministry and had regularly
Overcoming worry seminar and workshop
Will van der Hart
A seminar to accompany The Worry Book -
Spirituality in the NHS
A panel debates why this is important and how this works in practice. If you work in the NHS or access NHS services, this will explain what is being done to make sure Spirituality is valued as an aid to mental health. From our conference in Bradford in 2009
Choices that bring change
Arianna Walker
Using the Mercy Ministries' model as a framework, this session examines the key Biblical steps involved in walking free from life controlling issues
HTB Focus - The Church, Mental Health and Spirituality
Rob Waller
Given at Holy Trinity Brompton's summer festival called 'Focus' - this seminar covers how churches can be more mental health friendly and looks at some common themes people ask about the church and mental health. See original talk at
HTB Focus - Worry Seminar
Rob Waller
Given at Holy Trinity Brompton's summer festival called 'Focus' - this seminar covers the first half of The Worry Book. See original talk at
Divorce and separation - how it affects the young people caught in the middle
Pete English
How are young people affected by divorce? Is there anything you can do to make things easier for them? What might you expect to see in their behaviour
4D Engagement: The holistic distinctive of youth ministry
Martin Saunders
What is the role of everyday youth work in keeping our mindset balanced?
Why do I get addicted to things?
Andre Radmall
Core seminar on substance misuse as a pervasive issue in the lives of many young people. Look at the reasons, the effects and how we can help.
Why am I so unhappy?
Kate Middleton
Growing up in the 21st century is not easy. Many teenagers regularly find themselves struggling with emotions and moods which feel overwhelming and out of control. Increasing numbers become caught in cycles of behaviour which can cause them even more difficulty - self harm, substance abuse, risky behaviour and problems with eating and body image. But why are they so prone to these problems? What is it about growing up in our modern culture, which makes them so much at risk? And how can we help them to
Identity Spirals
Will Van Der Hart
What is our identity? How it can it be distorted by a insecure parenting environment? How it can be restored?
How can I make a difference locally?
Rachel Welch
Examples and practical tips from a group of projects set up by the churches in Luton, including how to network and get funding
Should I take medication or see a psychiatrist
Rob Waller
The larger playing field – what is mental illness, when to seek help, what medication is – and how Christians feel about these things
Why can’t I eat normally?
Jane Smith
Core seminar on eating disorders, looking at what they are, spotting the signs, treatment and recovery.
Why do I harm myself?
Donna Wade
Core seminar on self-harm, looking at the definition, causes, consequences and approaches to change
Question and Answer Session and Closing Prayer
From the MindSet Conference 2011
Passion for Problems
Rob Waller
Problems we currently face. Predictions we can make. Preparations we can plan. Passion we can bring.
Freedom From Worry
Rob Waller
Rob Waller speaks from Matthew 6 on the topic of Freedom From Worry, combining Jesus' famous teaching on worry with modern psychological principles. Given to Destiny Church Edinburgh.
Spirituality and CBT
Rob Waller
What is the role of Spirituality in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. A talk given at a conference in London, based on the paper of the same name I have recently published in The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist
Eating Disorders
Catrina Crout
Catrina Crout from Mercy Ministries ( gives an over view of eating disorders and how the Christian faith can be a vital part of overcoming them, especially making deep and lasting change. She explains many of the highs and lows of this type of ministry and gives helpful guidance for churches
The Perils and Pitfalls of Christian Counselling in the Local Church
Steve Motyer
Steve Motyer runs the Theology and Counselling course at the London School of Theology. This session is practical, but deep in content and reflection from many years of ministry.
The Challenge of Forgiveness
Greta Randle
Association of Christian Counsellors Chief Executive Greta Randle shares from her new book which tells her own story of abuse, trauma, struggle and ultimately the challenge of forgiveness
Self Harm
Jonathan Clark
Self harm and suicidal ideas are more common than we think and give rise to a lot of concern. Yet they are distinct from suicide and usually do not progress to this. In this seminar you will learn how to tell the difference and how this relates to a Christian faith.
Five Things to do in a Pastoral Crisis
Will Van Der Hart
Pastoral ministry is filled with challenges, but occasionally it gets really hairy. This practical talk emphases the role of personal preparedness, good local knowledge and strong policies which will see you though in difficult times.
If we claim to be without emotion
Kate Middleton
...then we deceive ourselves. In this talk, Kate explains why emotions are central to who we are, that you don't really want to be like Mr Spock from Star Trek. However, if you allow yourself to feel emotions, these can be nasty as well as nice!
Conference Introduction and Commendation
Rt Rev Mark Rylands
The Bishop of Shrewsbury opens the conference, drawing on his own experience in ministry of challenge, stigma and opportunity. He started the day in prayer.
Spirituality in Mental Health Services
Hari Sewell
Hari Sewell from the National Mental Health Development Unit explains, from his background as someone brought up in the church but not currently attending, some of the policy, tensions and challenges that professionals, patients and managers face in making the NHS a place where spiritual matters can be helpfully addressed to the benefit of the individuals mental health. He emphasises the importance of understanding a persons narrative as being the best way spirituality can be introduced.
Living Life To The Full With God
Chris Williams
Chris Williams gives an overview of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), explains how it relates to faith, and introduces a major new course and website suitable for people of faith.
Travellers Tales - A Testimony
Rob Waller
First broadcast on Travellers Tales on Premier Christian Radio, Rob Waller is interviewed about how he became a Christian, why he went into medicine and then psychiatry and how he hopes Mind and Soul can help Britain today.
‘If we claim to be without emotion...’
Kate Middleton
Emotions are crucial to the way our brains operate. But for Christians some emotions can be seen as ‘undesirable’; even sinful. This seminar explains what emotions really are for, and considers how attempts to suppress them can itself lead us into sin. What should we change about the church’s attitude toward emotions?
A short sermon on Identity
Rob Waller
This sermon was preached when we were invited to speak at a 'mental health sunday' at a fairly traditional anglican church in yorkshire. a smaller group met for a simple lunch afterwards. simple, to the point and easy to deliver.
The CLOTS guide to mental health - AUDIO
Ian Smith
A tongue in cheek parody of what might happen when the well-intentioned but not well-thought-through try to 'fix' your church. Glib, simplistic and offensive answers to complex problems abound. Do not listen to without a sense of humour!!!
A Thorn in the Flesh: Finding Strength and Hope Amid Chronic Suffering
Pablo Martinez
Understanding and helping when you have a thorn in the flesh (situations of chronic suffering) is not an easy task. We need to focus on the light of hope rather than on the darkness of the trial; to speak of victory rather than defeat; not to be paralysed by the thorn’s venom but rather strengthened by the supernatural antidote of grace. Victory is forged along a costly road that ultimately leads to serene acceptance and to experience the power of Christ that is perfected in our weakness.
Mental Health Friendly Churches
Rob Waller
How can we make our churches welcoming places for people who struggle with their mental health? How are they currently unhelpful and what do they have to offer that is so vital?
Why we do what we do: Three Irrefutable Laws!
Rob Waller
So important to do well, yet so easy to do poorly – the placing of emotional health within our faith needs a firm foundation. Grace before Works. Integration before Isolation. Redemption before Recovery.
Why we do what we do: Three Irrefutable Laws! - VIDEO
Rob Waller
So important to do well, yet so easy to do poorly – the placing of emotional health within our faith needs a firm foundation. Grace before Works. Integration before Isolation. Redemption before Recovery
Messy Church: The tension unresolved
Will Van Der Hart
Is 21st century church able to hold together the tension of giftedness and unresolved emotional and mental health issues? Do we need to be healed to be useful for the kingdom?
Messy Church: The tension unresolved - VIDEO
Will Van Der Hart
Is 21st century church able to hold together the tension of giftedness and unresolved emotional and mental health issues? Do we need to be healed to be useful for the kingdom?
Capturing The Affections: getting to the heart of the problem
Steve Timmis
In the Word of God we have all that we need to address the human predicament; not only by way of analysis, but also by way of treatment. In Christ and the gospel there is sanity. Problems of behaviour and emotions are always related in some way to issues of belief. And that belief relates to the Word of God, and the promises God makes to us. That is why we can have confidence in the Bible to speak directly and effectively to our lives and circumstances.
Perfectionism: Thomas Cramner’s Gospel for the Overachiever
Ashley Null
Are we called or driven? Is our identity based on our performance or the performance of Christ on the cross? Drawing on the stories of Paul, the Prodigal Son, the theology of Thomas Cramner and his work with Olympic athletes, Ashley challenges our own attempts at self-medication through achievement and shame-based motivation. He explores how we can make our activities reflect God's healing love instead."
Prayer Ministry and Psychology: The Relationship and the Risks
Tara Gormley
What are the psychological aspects of prayer ministry? What do you do when prayer ministry doesn’t work? Can prayer ministry and psychological therapy work together? What can go wrong...
Growing up into Christ: some insights from psychology
Joanna Collicutt
This talk will look at some contemporary psychological theories of spiritual growth and explore some connections with biblical themes. The areas explored will include spiritual growth as goal directed behaviour; processes of change, continuity, and transformation; Christ as model and guide; spiritual fruits and gifts. Video also available
Growing up into Christ: some insights from psychology - VIDEO
Joanna Collicutt
This talk will look at some contemporary psychological theories of spiritual growth and explore some connections with biblical themes. The areas explored will include spiritual growth as goal directed behaviour; processes of change, continuity, and transformation; Christ as model and guide; spiritual fruits and gifts. High Resolution Video available at
Demons: Do they, Don’t they, What If?
Jonathan Clark
Invariably the passage of Jesus healing the ‘Demoniac’ is used an example of mental illness in the Bible, however, this raises more questions than it answers. Was he suffering from schizophrenia? Do demons really exist? Was it just a cultural interpretation? If he was demon possessed, does the deliverance ministry offer the cure for all mental illness?
Torch Trust Interview
Rob Waller
Dr Rob Waller is interviewed by the Torch Trust,, about the mental health problems of blind and partially sighted people. Torch is a Christian fellowship where blind and sighted people meet on equal terms. Some 130 Torch Fellowship Groups meet informally on a monthly basis across the UK, with many more overseas.
Beyond the Edge
Hazel Rolston
Hazel Rolston talks about her new book - Beyond The Edge [IVP] - in which she tells the story of her struggle with postnatal depression
Self Harm
Jonathan Clark
Self Harm and Suicidal Ideas are common today - affecting an increasing number of people, especially teenagers. Jonathan explains how to tell the difference, how to know when to act and what to do
Christian Counselling
Greta Randle
Covering why we need counselling, something of Greta's own journey and what the Association of Christian Counselling stands for, this session will equip you to be a better listener and know where to get more training.
Worried - Why?
Will Van Der Hart
Why is worry such a problem and how can we learn to worry the right amount about the right things
Pastoral Care and Mercy Ministries
Rob Waller interviews Stephen Matthew about being the Associate Pastor of a very large church and how they deal with pastoral issues, and Arrianna Walker about the principles underlying Mercy Ministries and their current plans
Bradford Conference Extracts
Listen to extracts from three speakers from our major conference in Bradford in March 2009
Spirituality and Mental Health
Rob Waller
An over view of the history of Mind and Soul, of Rob's journey and of the relationship between Spirituality, Christianity and Mental Health
A Safe Place - Summary
Marion Carson and Rob Waller
Conclusion and summary from the A Safe Place? conference
Older People's Faith and Mental Health
John Wattis, Christine Chapman
John Wattis and Christine Chapman explore the issues and suggest a model of care.
Caring for the Carers
Amanda Stevenson,Sheryl Ashton
Sheryl Ashton and Amanda Stevenson show how we need to look after another whole group of people.
Bradford Conference Q&A
Rob Waller, Will Van Der Hart
Rob Waller and Will Van Der Hart answer questions after the keynotes at the Bradford 09 conference
Emotionally Heathy Church
Will Van Der Hart
How can we make our churches places where we can healthily express and heal emotions, and why does this not happen at the moment?
Five Things To Do In A Pastoral Crisis
Will Van Der Hart
Will Van Der Hart covers this topic in a seminar at the Mind & Soul London Conference held in October 2008. Please note: Due to a recording error, this audio file only covers the first three points.
Emotionally Healthy Leadership
Jack Graham
Dr Jack Graham, of PowerPoint Ministries in Texas USA, spoke at the Mind & Soul London Conference in October 2008, on the emotional aspects of leadership. He leads a large church in the USA.
A Safe Place - Intro
Marion Carson and Rob Waller
Introduction to the Safe Place conference.
Should Christians Take Antidepressants
Rob Waller
Dr Rob Waller speaks about whether Christians should take antidepressants as part of a Seminar. This seminar was held as part of the Mind & Soul London Conference in October 2008.
In Good Company
Will Van Der Hart
Will Van Der Hart is interviewed by Jeff Lucas and Ruth Dearnley as part of the regular premier programme - in good company
Stranger on the Shore
Anthony Rose
Revd Anthony Rose explains why he wrote his book [of the same name] - how he learned to come to terms with a difficult upbringing and understand his emotions better.
Mind and Soul Vision
Mind and Soul Directors
Short video - file version, Quicktime 7MB
Overseas Mental Health
Rob Waller
PRIME is an international charity developing person-centred healthcare in many developing countries. At this conference, their first on mental illness and health, Dr Rob Waller speaks about how mental health and Christianity relate in developing countries
Suicide and Debt 3
Rob Waller
Dr Rob Waller teaches Centre Managers for Christians Against Poverty how they can help with suicidal ideas by helping with debt, and how to spot when they need to act on suicidal threats. Session 3 of 3.
Suicide and Debt 2
Rob Waller
Dr Rob Waller teaches Centre Managers for Christians Against Poverty how they can help with suicidal ideas by helping with debt, and how to spot when they need to act on suicidal threats. Session 2 of 3.
Suicide and Debt 1
Rob Waller
Dr Rob Waller teaches Centre Managers for Christians Against Poverty how they can help with suicidal ideas by helping with debt, and how to spot when they need to act on suicidal threats. Session 1 of 3.
Mental Health of Pastors
Will Van Der Hart
25% of clergy time off is cause by depression - but very few pastors feel they can raise this in their churches. Will Van Der Hart explores this topic, drawing on his own experience in ministry
Student Mental Health
Rob Waller, Will Van Der Hart
Recorded at the Fusion Conference in Oxford. Over 120 students crammed into a room designed for 40!
Vicious Circles
Rob Waller, Will Van Der Hart
We can end up getting into vicious circles in our behaviours, but if we stop long enough to understand them, they can be undone and unwound, even to the point of being in a better and stronger place than before
Mercy Ministries, Antidepressants
Mercy Ministries have just opened their first house in the UK helping up to 12 girls at a time with life controlling issues. Antidepressants - should Christians take them [Interview by Rob and Will]?
Identity and being open at church
Will Van Der Hart
Identity - a sermon from a recent Mental Health Sunday we ran. Church communities - how they can help your mental health.
Stressful churches and obsessional thinking
Will Van Der Hart, Rob Waller
Churches today can ask you to be very busy - and all on top of a busy job and family life. Will Van Der Hart talks about some recent 'space services' at St Mary's London. Rob Waller then explains how some Christians can become very obsessional in their thinking about sin and hell, even to the point of getting OCD
Worry and How To Deal With It
Will Van Der Hart
Identity - a sermon from a recent Mental Health Sunday we ran. Church communities - how they can help your mental health.


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