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Articles (9 found)

grounded Being Grounded in God 
To be spiritually grounded infuses our whole physical and inner life, making our whole existence a spiritual and sacred affair. more ...
Olivia Shone
Body-web Valuing Your Body 
If we want to live richer, fuller lives then we need to live through our bodies as well as our minds. In this article Olivia looks at how we can value our body as part of our spirituality. more ...
Olivia Shone
mindful or mind full Mindfulness: friend or foe? 
Mindfulness gets a mixed press but some recent reports have claimed it could sometimes be harmful. What is the truth about mindfulness, and how should we approach it if wanting to give it a go? more ...
Shaun Lambert
be mindful What is Mindfulness anyway? 
This week, Mental Health Awareness week is all about mindfulness. But have you ever wondered what it actually IS? more ...
Kate Middleton
pen Dear Concerned Christian
Shaun Lambert writes a response to a believer who is concerned about mindfulness and whether it is 'Christian' or not more ...
Shaun Lambert
cloud2 The Cloud of Unknowing 
The 14th Century book - The Cloud of Unknowing - is now often quoted by Christians who are interested in understanding and exploring Contemplative Prayer more ...
Richard H. H. Johnson
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