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The Mind and Soul Foundation

Pastoral Care 

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The Church's Role
The church is not here to take the place of professionals; we are not here to be the doctor, psychiatrist or chemist. We will sometimes counsel people, but not necessarily in place of a professional counsellor or psychologist.
Pastoral Care Policy
A pastoral care policy embodies the values and approaches underlying how, as a church, you aim to care for people.
Supporting Family and Carers
Most people become carers through a change in circumstances of a family member or friend. They may take on the role of supporting a parent, a child, another family member, a partner or a friend.
Long-Term Caring
Many churches are good at stepping in when there’s a crisis. We work to support someone practically, emotionally and spiritually in their time of need.
Supporting Those Receiving Treatment
When emotional and mental health problems become serious enough to require professional treatment, churches used to be advised to stand back and ‘leave it to the professionals’.
Telephone Empathy
You have taken 157 Zoom calls since the Corona Virus lockdown started and you are beginning to dread the next ‘interactive online gathering’. Sounds familiar?
Will Van Der Hart
Praying Well and Mental Health
If there is one issue that repeatedly causes offence or unintended harm to those who are struggling with mental health issues in the church it is prayer....but how can we pray in a way that minimizes this risk?
Will Van Der Hart
Migration and Mental Health
Every year, milions of people plan to or are forced to migrate. They have unique mental health problems, and the church a unique persepctive.
Rob Waller
Managing Challenging Behaviour in Church
How do you manage difficult or challenging behaviour, particularly during services, and make sure that your church is indeed mental health friendly, without driving everyone else crazy?!
Kate Middleton
Why Relationships Matter
Long term mental ill-health can feel like being lost in a desert. But how can our relationships help those desperately thirsty for hope and relief?
Kate Middleton
Responding to Emotional Distress in the Pastoral Setting
Knowing how to respond to emotional distress is a complex but very important part of pastoral care. Here are a few thoughts that I have put together for the ACC which you might find helpful
Will Van Der Hart
Boundaries in Pastoral Care
So, you’re a church leader. And you’re involved in pastoral care. But what exactly are ‘boundaries’ and how can they help you, and the people you work with?
Kate Middleton

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