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Nizam Speaks

‘Some say that you’re a Christian, so you shouldn’t feel depressed. But I guess, they haven’t read the Psalms in depth’ - Nizam Speaks

In support of Mental Health Awareness Week, Spoken Word Artist Nizam Speaks has released a  powerful and moving piece about the often misunderstood illness that is depression. You can watch the video here:

Nizam’s poem is very raw and honest as he shares his heart about his struggle with depression. In his poem he aims to break the stigma and misconceptions associated with mental illness - particularly within the Church with lines such as: 

’I get referred to get some medication from a psychiatrist. But then I get odd looks from the congregation like “why am I even trying this? Cause all you’ve got to do is just pray and read your Bible, Niz”. But I wonder, would they same thing too if I had cancer? And tell me not to go to Chemo cause Jesus is the answer.’

His poem is reflective of Psalm 42, where the psalmist is crying out to God in distress (‘my tears have been my food day and night’) but ends with him acknowledging that God is his only hope (‘Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God’).

As well as the deep content of his lyrics, he also has the wordplay to match it: ‘I see everyone else worshipping so freely. But as for me I feel like a Wretch, but I want to be free (3) too (2). But I know that only one (1) can save me and that’s you.’

Nizam Speaks has been off Instagram for over a year to refocus on life and his relationship with God, but he is now back and rearing to go to release more material. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @NizamSpeaks, or email him at

Nizam Speaks, 13/05/2019

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