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The Promise of Blessing

The Commendation below was written by Dr Kate Webb, Consultant Psychiatrist.
See more about the book at

The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face towards you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24–26
There may be some who have heard this blessing, time and time again but perhaps not really believed it was meant for you?
This book is beautifully written, with insight and compassion. Kate delves deeply and richly into this incredible blessing. She doesn’t shy away from the area of suffering and uses parts of her own story and the testimony of others to demonstrate what this blessing means and God’s intent to bless us, in the context of the struggles that we go through and in the wilderness times where God may feel far away. We live in a fallen world where we will suffer but Kate speaks of a Saviour, who will remain with us through the good times and the tough times; a Saviour who can bring good out of the worst circumstances.
Nicky Gumbel writes this: ‘It is impossible to encounter Kate Patterson for long without being profoundly aware of the love of Jesus.’ It is also impossible to read her book without being profoundly aware of Kate’s desire for people to know deep within, that God loves them and wants to bless them; her desire for people to see themselves as God sees them.
‘The Promise of Blessing’ is pastoral and practical. The end of each chapter brings space and questions to reflect and respond, which would be great for personal or small group devotion or study. Areas such as forgiveness, doubt, worry and conflict; the things that regularly rob us of God’s peace, are addressed with great sensitivity.
I highly recommend this book and believe that it will be a blessing to all who read it, whatever you may have gone through or are going through now.
‘This book could change your view of God and change your perception of yourself.  In fact it could change your life, now and forever.’ (from the foreword by Nicky and Sila Lee)

Kate Patterson, 03/08/2015

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