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Living Life to the Full - Training Day! 

LLTTF training day

Do you, or others in your church, want to be better equipped to support those struggling with mental health problems in your community? Whatever your focus, many churches, and other community groups, are finding that increasing numbers of the people they are coming into contact with are dealing with mental health problems along with the other challenges they face. Mental health problems are often associated with other socio-economic problems, and many people find that they are caught in a long term struggle to cope with difficult feelings, and other symptoms - which in turn make it much more difficult to deal with whatever other storms life is throwing their way. 

Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) is a CBT based course which aims to help people understand their emotions better, and equip them to start to make positive changes. It helps to empower people, and build their confidence that they can get back in control of their emotions and their thoughts. It teaches them practical skills as well as looking into just why our thinking can sometimes make us feel worse.

LLTTF is written by Prof Chris Williams - a friend and associate of Mind & Soul. The course is available free online, but can also be run in small groups for all ages. In fact, research has demonstrated that when run in this way, it really does make a difference for people striggling with all kinds of mental and emotional health problems. You can find out more about it (and get free online access to a version of the course specifically written for churches with Biblical 'extra's to accompany the main sessions) by following the link to 'courses' above.  

Training to run the course takes one day - and once trained anyone can run the course by purchasing an annual licence. Training events are usually in the North (where Chris and his team are based), but this June we're really pleased to announce a training event near London, in Hitchin, North Herts. Hosted by Kate Middleton and based at Hitchin Christian Centre, the aim of this training is to equip as many people as possible to run the course out to their own communities - offering making teaching about emotional health available to as many people as possible.

The course will be run on June 13th and you can book online. Places are limited so do check out the website now - and come and join us!

Kate Middleton, 24/04/2015

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