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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Prayer, Meditation and Mindfulness is a Christian Mindfulness Course available in a variety of different formats.  The aim of this course is to help Christians learn and engage with mindfulness and meditation from a Christian and biblical perspective.  This can be particularly helpful in relation to coping with stress, anxiety, depression, building personal resilience and growing in your relationship with God.
-- Read a short Kindle Book

The Online version is available worldwide.  Click on the links below for more information. This course is not provided by LLTTF / Five Areas, but is supported by Mind and Soul.
-- Free Online Session
-- Six Session Online Course to purchase
-- Online Course Bulk Access Discount
-- Day Workshop / Retreat / Training Day
-- Full 9-week Couse Annual Licence
-- Endorsements

Christian Mindfulness is copyright protected - RHH Johnston Consultancy Limited.
All enquiries via the website

Praise for the Course:

"Mindfulness is a core human skill.  This Christian approach is most helpful. It contextualizes it for the Christian audience and draws on the rich tradition of related skills such as contemplation and prayer. The course will be of benefit to many people, especially those who struggle with recurrent depression - for which mindfulness has a growing evidence base."

Dr Rob Waller, Consultant Psychiatrist working for the NHS in Scotland and Director of Premier Mind and Soul

"A very clear and insightful course which outlines the benefits of secular mindfulness for health, as well as introducing the spiritual dimension for Christians of mindfulness of God. I recommend it highly." Rev. Shaun Lambert, Author of A Book of Sparks: A Study in Christian MindFullness

"A biblical and insightful understanding of mindfulness.  As a counsellor and pastor in a busy Church I find this tool particularly helpful."David Thomson - Associate Pastor and Counsellor, Destiny Church, Glasgow and  Board Member of the Association of Christian Counsellors.

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