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The Guilt Book

False or exaggerated guilt is powerful force within many emotional and mental health issues. Sadly sufferers experiences of this as Christians are greatly compounded as they believe these feelings to be 'true' and therefore wrestle with the spiritual implications. False guilt cannot be resolved like true guilt, by the way of The Cross. However, few church leaders recognize this condition and if they do they tend to be critical of the individual as lacking faith in God. See this recent article in Christianity Magazine [March 2014 issue]

The Guilt Book - a path to grace and freedom

by Will van der Hart and Rob Waller
Forward by J John

ISBN: 9781783591169
Format: Paperback
Extent: 192 pages
Publication Date: 16/05/2014
Published by: IVP
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eBook -

Resources on Guilt

Guilt that wont go away - a talk by Rob Waller
Guilt that wont go away - Slides from Rob's talk

The Guilt Trip - video from Mind and Soul on Vimeo.
The Guilt Trip -  slides from this talk by Will



 "Will van der Hart and Rob Waller have forged a formidable alliance between pastor and psychiatrist to author an original and mind-changing book. Anchored in the teaching of Bible, and faithfully shaped by it, The Guilt Book integrates wide-ranging insights from modern psychology as well as the authors' extensive clinical and pastoral experience. Distinguishing between true guilt and the many disguises of false guilt, they succeed in making the complex simple, whilst never being simplistic. Their counsel is biblical, intellectually rigorous and intensely practical. Read this book quickly. And then read it again, slowly and reflectively.You will be challenged, provoked, and quite possibly liberated by its wise counsel." - Glynn Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of Bristol and author of The Big Ego Trip

"As I read this book I can feel the hold of some of my false guilt beginning to dissolve. It begins to dissolve in the warmth of this book's compassion, and in the light of its truth, both biblical and psychological. I could feel new health growing in my mind. This is a map to a better place, a place of inner freedom." - Shaun Lambert, Senior Minister of Stanmore Baptist Church and the author of 'A Book of Sparks - A Study in Christian MindFullness'.

"A wonderfully rich resource for anyone wanting practical help with guilt issues. Waller and van der Hart chart a wise course between unbalanced extremes. They integrate the best of professional psychological wisdom with the classic, orthodox Christian theology. Some hard truths and a timely message to the Church." - Dr Crispin Fletcher-Louie , theologian and previously principle of Westminster Theological Centre.

'Guilt gets you stuck in life... I know.  When you get stuck you need help.  This book will help.  It has the capacity to free you to live life in all its fullness.  Some books are highly readable but not much use.  Other books are really useful but dull as dishwater.  Rob and Will have written a book you will want to read, and which will help you become the person you want to be.' - Revd Karl Martin, Senior Pastor, Central, Edinburgh

"Guilt is something I have always been weighed down by, and I know so many friends who have the same battle, reliving situation after situation in our heads. This book looks both theologically and practically at helping me see where my thinking has gone wonky and helping me to realise it doesn't have to be that way. Can't really recommend it highly enough! I shall be returning to it over and over." - Katherine Welby

Christianity Magazine Review The Guilt Book (August 2014)
Will van der Hart and Rob Waller, 06/08/2014

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