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‘A Book of Sparks: a Study in Christian MindFullness’


‘Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’ (Romans 12:2) Yes, but how?

 This new book comes out of one man’s personal journey of transformation. Shaun Lambert weaves the ancient disciplines of contemplation with his modern understanding of psychology to unlock a Biblical wisdom. Transformation comes through what Shaun calls ‘mindFullness’, the practice of being filled with the awareness of the presence of God. A Book of Sparks takes us deeper into God through a 40-day study, which uses Mark’s gospel and the reality of the 21st century world around us. Examining the watchfulness modelled by Jesus, the book demonstrates how God can transform us as we develop our own watchfulness. Key contemplative practices such as the Jesus Prayer and Lectio Divina are highlighted. With a foreword by Simon Walker, the book also has heavy weight endorsements. For example, Mark Woods, consulting editor, The Methodist Recorder and formerly editor, The Baptist Times, writes; 'Shaun Lambert is both intellectually and spiritually acute, and brings these resources to bear on some of the unexamined assumptions we carry with us in church and society. This book is full of wisdom.' Pregnant and provocative, this book offers a way of discipleship as well as the path for contemplative evangelism.

The book “A Book of Sparks” is available from April 2012 through the Instant Apostle website,, as a paperback book and in Kindle format.

About the author: Shaun Lambert is a Baptist minister based in Stanmore, North West London. He is part of the New Wine leader's network, and PREMIER Mind and Soul network. For the last ten years he has studied integrative and relational counselling at Roehampton University and has written regularly for the Baptist Times. He believes that all truth is God's truth and that Christians need to be learners and thinkers who help critique and transform culture. He is married to Clare and has two children, Zachary and Amy, and a dog called Coco.
Shaun Lambert, 23/04/2012

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