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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Audio and Video about Worry

This page contains multimedia resources from talks and presentations we have done on the subject of worry.
Click the title to play in your browser, or click 'Download' to save an mp3 file [typically 40-50MB].

Dont Worry Be Happy (download)
Will's talk on worry from the HTB Free To Be Conference in London - see the video too at
Will Van Der Hart, 03/11/2012
Overcoming worry seminar and workshop (download)
A seminar to accompany The Worry Book -
Will van der Hart, 22/01/2012
HTB Focus - Worry Seminar (download)
Given at Holy Trinity Brompton's summer festival called 'Focus' - this seminar covers the first half of The Worry Book. See original talk at
Rob Waller, 27/07/2011
Freedom From Worry (download)
Rob Waller speaks from Matthew 6 on the topic of Freedom From Worry, combining Jesus' famous teaching on worry with modern psychological principles. Given to Destiny Church Edinburgh.
Rob Waller, 20/02/2011
Worried - Why? (download)
Why is worry such a problem and how can we learn to worry the right amount about the right things
Will Van Der Hart, 18/11/2009
Worry and How To Deal With It (download)
Identity - a sermon from a recent Mental Health Sunday we ran. Church communities - how they can help your mental health.
Will Van Der Hart, 03/06/2007

Also, some other talks not hosted by us:

Will van der Hart and Rob Waller, 31/05/2011

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