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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Restored's History

Restored became a registered charity in July 2010 and was developed by Mandy Marshall (Tearfund’s Gender Advisor) and Peter Grant (Tearfund’s previous International Director)  It was set up out of a passion and calling from God to end violence against women.  The questions Mandy and Peter felt really needed to be answered were, where is the Church in ending violence against women? And where are the men?  So often it is a female only, secular response.  And yet the Church has much to offer and without the change of men, ending violence against women is not possible.

So Restored came into being as an international alliance working to end violence against women.  At present we have over 40 corporate members including Tearfund, YWAM and the Mothers Union (you can read the full list of members here: )

We have developed a Pack for Churches giving basic information about how to address domestic abuse, which is currently in draft version being trialled by various Churches.  You can view the pack here:

And we are developing a campaign called First Man Standing (FMS), challenging men to stand against violence against women, alongside and in partnership with women.  We are developing FMS in partnership with Christian Vision for Men. We are also developing a strategy for the UK Church to deliver training and resources to Churches to enable them to become safe places for those experiencing abuse.
Natalie Collins, 06/04/2011

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