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A psychiatrist discovers the life changing power of god

Psychiatrist and Minister, Dr Sanjay Jain, has written this book based on his understanding of the origins and answers to mental illness, inspired in part from his own battle with depression.

From a Pentecostal perspective, he  has reignited the medicine vs religion debate by suggesting depression, negative and even suicidal thoughts can be countered by a belief in God and has included demonic possession and the “influence of Satan” among the root causes of mental imbalance. He also offers support and practical tips about dealing with anxiety, depression and 'negative energies'

Though he “fully values” psychiatric medicine, Dr. Jain claims finding God in the eighties helped him win his own “battle” with depression. Speaking from his home in Exeter, he said: "I'm not ashamed of the fact that I have had mental health issues and I'm happy to be an example of how you can overcome those types of problem. "I never push religion on anyone and I know when my medical training trumps my Christian beliefs but having said that, I know that the power of God can bring joy to everyone. It's not a quick fix but it will bring long term peace.”

You can read more at including the first chapter. or buy from Amazon

Strengths: broad ranging book with a number of very helpful sections of 'tips' and reviews of modern medications and treatments.

Weaknesses: at times it can seem as though we are encouraged to 'police' our internal world to remove every last vestige of sin, Though this is obviously a laudible aim, it may be an unhelpful approach for some readers who struggle to hear the grace of God.

ISBN: 978-8896727034, 200pp
Sanjay Jain, 18/10/2010

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