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The Pregnancy Book: Spiritual and Emotional Survival for First Time Parents

This book takes a totally unique look at pregnancy. Instead of focusing on 'material' preparations for having a baby, it helps us to prepare our hearts, emotions and spiritual lives for the arrival of a newborn. With many helpful and pschologically informed outlooks this is a special book for new parents. It equips expectant mums and dads in shaping their attitudes towards parenthood, helping them to bring God into every aspect of pregnancy, birth and life with a young baby. Will and Lucinda share the story of their journey through pregnancy, and the stories of their friends, with humour and sensitivity. Their biblical insights, interwoven with personal story, make for a human, engrossing and sometimes hilarious read.

Available at Amazon direct link - ISBN - 184474440X

Review by: Ruth Crossley 5 Stars

Although it is aimed at first time parents, I had my third child a few months ago and I still learned from reading this (bought it for a newly pregnant friend but read it first to check it was what she needed!). Many of the parents whose comments feature in the book have two or three children, and one thing that comes across is that each pregnancy is different. So I'd say it's great for any expectant parents.

The Pregnancy Book is unique of all the ones I've read in that it has both mum and dad giving their side of the story or their views and reactions to the same issue. This means it is brilliant for stimulating discussion with your partner about the issues and changes you are likely to face together. This is what the authors want you to do as they present a very marriage centred approach to family life, where the parents' relationship creates a model of love and a safe space in which bring up a child.

It is also different from most pregnancy books in that it is about the spiritual and emotional journey of becoming a parent, rather than the practical day to day mechanics of pregnancy and birth. The authors' Christian faith permeates their response to parenthood, and the importance of prayer and the support of a Christian community in making the transition is essential. Issues considered include the influence of your own upbringing on your expectations, changing relationships with friends and family, maintaining a healthy marriage and sex life, post natal depression, dealing with the joy and pain of birth of your baby, amongst others. There are questions at the end of each section to help you think over and discuss with your partner what you've read, and if you're the journalling type, could start you writing your very own pregnancy book!

I wish I'd had this book the first time I was pregnant as it would have saved us a lot of stress and tears. I found myself nodding along to much of it, having learned the hard way. I will be buying this for all my pregnant friends as it expresses everything I would want to tell them about the huge emotional changes that are involved in becoming a parent, but in a gentle, humourous and thought provoking way.
Will and Lucinda Van Der Hart, 01/06/2010

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