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Articles (10 found)

When going back is hard -  web When going back is hard...  
Find yourself strangely reticent to get back to normal life? Trying to work out why? more ...
Kate Middleton
sharon-mccutcheon-Q5peAduZISs- Two-stage Resolutions
New Year again - just how do I make those changes and resolutions stick? more ...
nicholas-barbaros-YoF79VE9Sec- Why is this transition so hard? 
As I write, I am sitting on a ferry. It seems like the perfect time to write about transitions, not just because I am between countries, but also because I will be entering quarantine when we arrive home. more ...
nathan-dumlao-mNLymMqX7iE-unsp I can change...
How humans change, what happens when we don’t or can’t change, and some ways to move forward more ...
Rob Waller
little light A LITTLE light makes a BIG difference
We can so often feel like to make a difference or bring about change we'd need to do something big - so we can end up doing nothing. But could a little light make a big difference when you face darkness? more ...
Kate Middleton
change Making Changes - and making them Last 
Planning changes is easy - but sticking to them is much harder! How do we make changes that last - especially when it comes to physical and emotional health? more ...
Sharon Bell
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Media (1 found)

Making ChangesRob Waller
Other Conferences
Length:45 minutes
“To live is to change..,” or so goes many an inspirational quote. But we are notoriously bad at this. You will learn how humans can change and how they dig their heels in. We will cover the role of friends, faith and ferapists [sorry].
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